Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Does the Fed really have any control over inflation?

As we sit here and watch a bunch of suits sit around and discuss theory, the rest of the nation is living reality. That reality is the fact that gas prices continue to rise, every other commodity is effected by the rising fuel prices and then to top that off, we have the real estate industry, the engine of the economy of the world continuing to crash or should I say foreclose in around us. To hear Gentle Ben Bernanke and his colleagues discuss the economy, you would think that they are living in a glass castle. Does anyone of them know what it is like to pump or pay for their own gas? When was the last time one of them went to the grocery store to by something to fix themselves?

These discussions about whether to raise or lower interest rates are simply wasted energy. We need to quit focusing on what the Fed is or isn’t going to do because what ever they do at this point is too little too late. They are now talking about raising interest rates to slow the economy. Are you kidding me? This economy is still going backwards. So called Fed experts will tell you that they are managing the economy six months in the future, but if that is they case, they really screwed up six months ago! I have an idea, let’s deal with the here and now. You know, like when they rescued Countrywide from going Bankrupt by getting Bank of America to be the lead bank in the buyout of Countrywide. Or more recently when Bear Sterns was crashing and they got J.P. Morgan Chase to purchase them. Both of these happened overnight and in theory were done to keep things from crashing around us.

Dear Ben, put pressure on the White House to solve the rising energy price challenge. That is your inflation monster. Until you figure out how to do that, everything else you are doing is just giving the talking heads on MSNBC something to talk about so they can keep their jobs.

For questions or comments, please contact Chris Scheer at or 314.223.9824.

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