Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump Wins! You the consumer of mortgages LOSE!

Yes, today there will be a quick drop in rates as the Dow panics and there is a flight to safety.  However in the weeks and months following you will see long term rates go up by .50 to 1.0% as mortgage backed securities and other bonds go out of favor with investors.  Trump has made it clear he is going to get this country's financial house in order and to do that, we need to make interest on the money we borrow and borrow less.  Long term (decades) this could be good for you as a citizen of the United States.  Short term (next 8 years) we will see rates go up and the cost of borrowing for your home will be more expensive.

My advice, if you are thinking about refinancing LOCK TODAY!  If you are thinking about buying in the near future move your timeline up. Rates will be higher in 3-6 months and you will not be able to afford as much.

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