Last weekend the Federal Government announced the takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This is the culmination of many months of stress and tremendous losses for these companies and many in the mortgage industry. Prior to this announcement, GMAC Mortgage announced it was closing over 200 retail mortgage offices, putting more loan officers and support people out of work. Many of the very talented people in the mortgage industry have left or are no longer working for companies that could provide them the programs and support that they need to be successful. Throughout all of this Cornerstone has continued to stay strong. In July of 2007 we had 17 loan officers. We now have 25 loan officers. We have added talent and with that talent we have added programs and tools to help you become a success or help your clients achieve their goals.
For the real estate community we are rolling out the Home Buyers Scouting Report. This is a tool to help you establish a relationship with buyers and incubate them until they are ready to purchase. For my professional partners we have one of the only second mortgage programs that goes to 95% combined loan to value. In addition to that we have the Equity Accelerator to help all of our clients save thousands of dollars in interest over the life of their loans.
I want to make sure that you know that I am here to help you and your clients achieve your goals. If you know anyone who has purchased or refinanced in last 3 years, please pass their information along to me so I can schedule a “Mortgage Fitness Checkup.” They may not need to do anything now, but it is beneficial to them that they begin to build a relationship with a trusted mortgage professional that can help them achieve their financial dreams!
Christopher M. Scheer
Your Residential Lending Expert
p.s. For more information on the Equity Accelerator go to
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