The Federal Reserve stepped in and took over Indy Mac bank on Friday.,0,6071779.story
This comes as no shock to members of the mortgage industry as recently Indy Mac announced it was ceasing its retail mortgage operations.
So why do I call Indy Mac Countrywide’s step brother? For years Indy Mac mirrored all the lending programs that Countrywide created, almost to the point where unless you looked at the login page when you were visiting their site, you could not tell the 2 companies apart. There were times when Countrywide would announce a change in a program or guideline and within hours the same change would be announced at Indy Mac. From an originators standpoint, it was comical how the two companies mirrored each other.
When Countrywide was hammered last year and the Fed stepped in to rescue them (see previous posts) Indy Mac started to take on a life of their own. They for the first time were the first of the two companies to change programs and products reducing their exposure and tightening their lending practices. It was because of these efforts that they managed to last as long as they did. If it were not for comments made by Senator Schumer they may have managed to right their ship and avoid the Fed taking them over.
So why does the Fed rescue one company and take over another? Stock penetration and price. If Indy Mac would have had the numbers of shareholders that Countrywide had world wide or even Bear Stearns, they would have been rescued as opposed to taken over.
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