Thursday, December 13, 2007

All I Want For Christmas

So imagine if you will; you are one of the many mortgage originators who have managed to stay in this industry through the last 3 years of cutbacks, layoffs, companies going out of business and income less than you have seen in a long time. Over the last 2 ½ weeks you have seen the 30 year fixed rate drop below 6% more than once and actually get to 5.75% for 24 hours before heading north again. You have glimmers of hope of making money again; real money! Not just closing enough loans to pay off your draw and keep your job, but enough money to justify all the pain and heartache you have experienced lately.

Wall Street is in your corner. They are pushing for the Fed to continue to lower short term interest rates. They need the lower costs of money to offset their huge losses in the Subprime Mortgage fiasco that they created. Your consumers are clamoring about the most recent Fed rate cut “does this mean that my interest rate dropped?” Instead of being able to say yes you have to say no and then spend 10 minutes on economics, Wall Street, mortgage backed securities and Japanese candlesticks to try to get them to understand the difference between short and long term rates and that one moving doesn’t mean the other will move.

You are exhausted and leave the office to try to find a real estate agent to talk to in hopes of getting a deal from them only to find that you either can’t get into their office or the agents you can find spend the entire conversation telling you how bad the real estate market is and no one is doing any business. You grow weary of bad agents and bad attitudes and get back into your car only to find that no matter what radio station you turn on you hear a commercial for a mortgage company, one of the “Dark Side” lenders who continue to prey on the unknowing and confuse most of the average and below average consumers with their lies and misleading information. Thoughts of George Bailey jumping off the bridge in “It’s A Wonderful Life” dance through your head. As you think of that you realize that the story ends happily and George gets to live his life with happy endings. Where are your happy endings?

They are right where they should be! This career, this job you have chosen to continue to pursue is your Christmas wish. It isn’t about the money. It isn’t about confused borrowers. It isn’t about competitors that don’t play the game fairly. It isn’t about realtors who let others control their minds and outlook on their career. It isn’t about whether the Fed lowers or raises interest rates. No it is about each and every borrower you do get to help finance or refinance their home. Not house, but home! You get to help people live the American Dream. It is about being the person who touches the lives of everyone you meet in a positive way. You can only be measured by how you made the lives of the people around you better. Accept that as your calling and reap the rewards of a life worth having and living!

Happy Holidays!

For your questions or comments please contact Chris Scheer at or 314.223.9824.

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